View as Customer for WooCommerce

The plugin does not have any settings, once installed a VIew As Customer menu will appear on the WordPress admin bar in the frontend of the store and will allow to switch to view the store as any customer. To switch back to the admin account, admins will need to log out from the customer account.

View as customers adds a menu to theWordPress admin bar to allow store admins to view the store frontend and account area as the customer.

The View as Customer for WooCommerce allows the store admins to easily search customers by name or by the emails address and switch to view the frontend and account areas as any customer that is registered and has account on the WooCommerce store and to view the store and customer account area as the customer is seeing them. This helps to view the customer account area and perform actions on behalf of a customer, the plugin allows to easily support your customers when they have an issue with their account and view your store the same way thge customer is seeing it.

Frequently asked questions

View as Customer allows WooCommerce store admins to log in as any customer, providing the ability to see the store exactly as the customer experiences it. This helps with troubleshooting, order placement, and customer support.

To log in as a customer:

  • In the front-end admin bar, go to the Switch User menu.
  • Search for the customer by name or email.
  • Click Switch to Customer to access their account.

When logged in as a customer, you can:

  • Browse the store as the customer
  • Add/remove products from the cart
  • Apply coupons and discounts
  • Complete purchases on behalf of the customer
  • View account details, saved addresses, and past orders

Yes! To return to your admin account, simply log out from the My Account page. You will be automatically switched back to your admin session.

No, customers do not receive any notification when an admin logs in as them.

Yes, the plugin allows admins to log in as a customer without needing their password.

By default, the plugin works for WooCommerce customers. However, if your store has additional user roles (e.g., wholesale customers), you may be able to view as them as well.

Yes, multiple store admins can use the View as Customer functionality simultaneously.

Yes, the plugin works with Dokan, WCFM, and other multi-vendor plugins, allowing admins to assist vendors if needed.

No, the plugin is lightweight and does not slow down your WooCommerce store.

View as Customer for WooCommerce

View as Customer for WooCommerce

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