After the successful launch of TrackShip in 2019, we are proud to release a new add-on for Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce (AST) The Tracking Per Order items add-on extends AST by allowing you to add tracking numbers to order line items, and it gets even better, you can also split quantities into different packages …
The Ajax login/register is a free light-weight plugin for WooCommerce that changes the login, registration and lost password forms to use Ajax and jQuery validation to avoid the standard WooCommerce validation process that loads the page to display error messages and to provide your customers with improved user experience. The plugin settings (WooCommerce > Settings …
Today we are excited to announce the availability of Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce v1.9.7. In this version, we added WordPress Customizers support for the shipment tracking display on WooCommerce emails and for the custom order status “Delivered” email. In case you’re hearing about the Customizer for the first time, it’s a feature in the …
In this post i am going to show you how How to add featured video to posts in Flatsome theme. First you need to install plugin zorem Featured Video. Then active zorem Featured Video plugin. Then you will need to add new post in blog as shown in video. and you have to add youtube …
WooCommerce orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, each order gets order ID and Order Status, Understating the WooCommerce orders flow is important to ensure a smooth purchasing experience for your customers and for officiant order management. WooCommerce comes with a few core order statuses build-in, to help store owners keep track …
Amazon uses Two main factors to determine how products displayed one their search results, relevance and performance. in this post, I will focus on the relevance, which is basically the keywords and search terms that shoppers use to find products. Amazon delivers search results in a two-step process, First, they pull the relevant results from their massive product catalog, …
Shipping classes are used to group products of similar type (weight, warehouse, box size, etc) and used by some shipping methods, such as table rate shipping or flat rate shipping, to provide different rates to different classes of products. For example, with shipping classes and WooCommerce standard flat rate shipping, it’s possible to create different flat rate costs for …
When you a Woocommerce shop, you will need to be able to easily insert Google Analytics tracking and to insert Facebook ads, Adwords or any other remarketing or tracking code to your website pages.
When you setup your Woocommerce catalog, you assign each product with attribute, for example ‘Color’, ‘Size’, Now, for example, in order to display an archive of aBlack products, you need to create a template file for your attribute in your theme folder.
One of things I try to do more (and better) on my WooCommerce websites is to automate my work with external marketplaces like eBay or Amazon. I like to update things once and let the process begin..
Ok, so you finished setting up your WooCommerce shop is up and running, congratulations! Now all you need to do is maintain and promote it 🙂
If you use the Inventory Management option in Woocommerce, each order will decrease the stock level for products, depending on what quantity of the stock was purchased. However, when you wish to refund an order or when a customer cancel an order, the stock level will not increase and the shop manager needs to manually …
Managing your catalog can be a frustrating thing, you can work with files to import/merge products data but eventually there is always editorial and QA “fine tuning” to do in a product level. This is a frustrating process, you can hire a freelance to help you but there is always tons of things to remember when …
If you run a WooCommerce store you probably work with suppliers that provide a drop ship service? if yes, you probably spend a lot of time directing the order emails to your suppliers, this makes managing orders a frustrating process. Basically, when you receive the order email, you need to forward the email to the supplier while deleting …